
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Topic decided for Action Research

After meeting the new principal and meeting with Mr. Singleton it appears that the research paper will be on the effects of a school wide social skills program.  Mr. Singleton mentioned that we had used the Character Counts program previously but he felt it had not be done with fidelity by the teachers.  The program included rewards for “Caught being good”, intercom reading of a character trait, etc.   But no real deep class discussion was being used to solidify the character trait. 

The current principal, Ms. King,  has decided to implement a program based on Sean Covey’s books- The Seven Habits of Happy Kids for grades K-2 and The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

I will look at the data from last year for my research such issues as the total number of referrals, the effects on repeat offenders, 2nd – 5th graders, types of offenses, etc.  I will be looking also for fidelity within the classroom and how the teachers have implemented the program and their success in reducing referrals. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize your advisor at school got to pick your topic. Bummer. I hope this one works out and is a success for the kids and staff at your school.
